Jeff Smith and Jimmy Dugan Badly Beaten Up in a Saloon Row.
Special to The News. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 1. —Jeff Smith, Jimmy Dugan and Elmer Maybury, formerly a Denver sport, engaged in a fight to-night in the Horse's Shoe saloon, during which Maybury was stabbed once in the arm and his clothes cut several times. Ed. Gaffney, a local athlete, who took Maybury's part, narrowly escaped a deadly thrust from Dugan's knife. Smith and Duggan were badly beaten up. An old grudge on the part of Smith toward Maybury was the cause of the row. The saloon floor was covered with blood. A plate glass mirror was broken and guns were in sight all around.
"I had to put your book down for a few days, but I got back into it yesterday. I have to say that the chapter on the Denver City Hall standoff could be turned into a movie screenplay all by itself. Not sure where it would end, though. Kinda hard to figure out who the good guys were! Great stuff, Jeff." —Bungalo Bill.
"Yesterday afternoon Jeff Smith received through the mail, a box containing a white, silk piquet ascotte cravat, with a hand-worked American and Cuban flaf above the scarf pin. On the back of the cravat was written the words: "From Miss A. A. Stevens, Seattle, to Capt. Jeff Smith." Jeff has no acquaintance with the young lady, and can not understand the matter."
Tranquilla Ga, Aug 16
Dear Jeff: Your first rec’d.
I wrote you a long letter and
directed it to San Francisco.
It seems impossible for my
letters to reach you. Write
me where you will be three
weeks ahead and I will write
you a long letter. Write me
all about the different
countries you have visited
and which you like best. Mittie
(my wife) says please send her
a small bunch of flowers
from each state that you visitin her scrapbook. All the
so she wants to press them
Smiths in Coweta are well
when last heard from. You
just ought to see my fine
Linton. He can walk now.
Write me at least once a
month. Would give the
world to see you. Write soon.
Your aff
H. M. Smith