I received an interesting e-mail from Dave Wright with whom I've had many past discussions regarding Soapy in Leadville, Colorado. He apparently could not figure out how to post a comment and sent it to me. However, I do not know which post he is referring to exactly, none-the-less his comments are of interest.
Dave wrote,
Your web site is AWESOME!!! I really appreciate you keeping me on your mailing list!
I've forwarded the URL around to a bunch of my friends.
I tried to post on your blog, but I'm too ignorant to understand how to do that... here are the comments I attempted to post:
April, 1889 - Griswold
"One of the slickest and best known rascals in the whole western country is reported to be on his way to Leadville... the gentleman referred to - Soapy Smith - is known to many people in Leadville..."
"It should be here stated that the attention of Alderman Kavanaugh was called to these peddler's licenses by Alderman Monroe. The two immediately called on Mayor James, and a special meeting of the (Leadville) council is to be held tonight to determine whether or not thieves shall be licensed. This was the same technique used by Soapy Smith when he made several business trips to Leadville..."
And the question remains... when was Soapy in Leadville, and is there any proof of any of his activities while here? Does ANYONE have ANY information about his activities in Leadville? Who he might have been traveling with, when he might have arrived, etc.
(This is an AWESOME web site!)
Dave Wright
Leadville, Colorado
David Wright
Golden Burro Cafe & Lounge
Lake County Visitor Center
710 Harrison Ave. - Leadville, CO 80461
Thank you for the very kind words Dave. Since the last time we talked I have finally published my book, Alias Soapy Smith: The Life and Death of a Scoundrel. In it is a photograph that I think you will find of great interest. It shows Soapy in Leadville, with ex-president Grant in the background! The book has 24 references to Leadville in the context. The photo proves he was there in 1880. Although there is yet any provenance that he was actively swindling the public I would have to say it is a safe bet that he was doing just that. Soapy Smith's Leadville adventures remain an arena of mystery and exploration.