Following are some interesting tidbits of news and information.

Regular fans of this blog will recall the past posts about the new and improved Days of '98 Show in Skagway utilizing Ed Parrish's wonderful ballad, The Bloody Ballad of Notorious Bad Man Soapy Smith’s Wretched and Violent Demise. Show co-owner, Jonathan Baldwin lets us know that Ed's song , sung by Michael Baish, will be filmed by The Outdoor Channel.

Getting ready to visit the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Once again I am playing the part of Soapy Smith this time however I have acquired a little more knowledge about the real Soapy. I will high jack a bus loaded with corporate types and take them to a dude ranch while teaching them about the perils they are about to face. Should be fun.

A new Soapy Smith "wake" event has been created in Denver, Colorado. Currently there are now three known "wakes" (parties) taking place this year. The one in Skagway will hold it's `34th annual wake on July 8, 2011. The held in Hollywood, California at the Magic Castle will hold it's 8th annual party on July 10, 2011. Special thanks to magician, Dave Elstun, on July 7, 2011 "Denver's First Annual Soapy Smith Wake" will be held at the Lumber Baron Inn and Garden's at 7:00 PM. The Lumber Baron Inn, 2555 W. 37th Ave., in Denver's historic Highlands Neighborhood.

Regular fans of this blog will recall the past posts about the new and improved Days of '98 Show in Skagway utilizing Ed Parrish's wonderful ballad, The Bloody Ballad of Notorious Bad Man Soapy Smith’s Wretched and Violent Demise. Show co-owner, Jonathan Baldwin lets us know that Ed's song , sung by Michael Baish, will be filmed by The Outdoor Channel.

Getting ready to visit the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. Once again I am playing the part of Soapy Smith this time however I have acquired a little more knowledge about the real Soapy. I will high jack a bus loaded with corporate types and take them to a dude ranch while teaching them about the perils they are about to face. Should be fun.

A new Soapy Smith "wake" event has been created in Denver, Colorado. Currently there are now three known "wakes" (parties) taking place this year. The one in Skagway will hold it's `34th annual wake on July 8, 2011. The held in Hollywood, California at the Magic Castle will hold it's 8th annual party on July 10, 2011. Special thanks to magician, Dave Elstun, on July 7, 2011 "Denver's First Annual Soapy Smith Wake" will be held at the Lumber Baron Inn and Garden's at 7:00 PM. The Lumber Baron Inn, 2555 W. 37th Ave., in Denver's historic Highlands Neighborhood.
The show features the talents of the Three Soapy's, Magician Dave Elstun, Comedian's Darrin Ray and Matt Vander Muelen also featured Lumber Baron Owner and Historian Walter Keller, Bu...rlesque Dancer Dewliscious and Physical Comedian and Juggler Reid Belstock. Tickets are now on sale at The Lumber Baron Inn (303) 477-8205 for only $15.00 per person (dinner is not included). For more information please visit The Lumber Baron web-site.

Next year there will be at least four known Soapy Smith wakes taking place around the country. Magician and Soapy fan, Keith Cobb plans to have the first annual "wake" in Chicago, Illinois. For a number of years Keith annually trekked from Chicago to Hollywood for the Soapy party at the Magic Castle. That's a noble feat for any true fan, as well as expensive. Keith wants to share the fun with his fellow Chicagonians next year, in conjunction with the annual anniversary of the Wizards Club of Chicago.
I have a full year to plan. I have told lots of people about it already. I plan to ask Glenn Morphew (a local shell game guy) who is a friend of Ed Parish if he would be interested in coming up to sing the ballad. He's only 600 mile away. I have my own Faro setup, chuck-a-luck, shell game, fast and loose, three-card monte, and cover the spot, I even have a small roulette setup. If it is ok we will probably print up our own Soapy money. I plan on having several local entertainers do gambling themed magic and may even have a location set. I know a magician who owns a bar with a kitchen. We would be interested in having a table of Soapy related items for sale, including your book. This is going to be so much fun.
I am planning on a cash bar and food so I don't see much expense at all other then printing fliers and fake money. I am planning on doing a web page for the event on the Wizard's Club website since it is a combination club anniversary party. It will be our 80th year. For our 75th I had a banquet and had over 250 people attend so getting a turn out should be no problem. Chicago is a big magic town and everyone love a good party. Here is a link to that party. Any suggestions are helpful.
Jeff Smith
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