I received these two great comments today...

I just came in from my patio after reading about Jeff II's farewell to his best friend 'Gambler Joe Simmons'. I had to come get a handkerchief..it really broke me up. No joke.
And there was your email re: the newsletter.
BTW...I believe in 'beyond the range'.
My best.

I'm working my way through your book. Absolutely fantastic... I'm digesting it slowly, but I'm to the section on Creede. Again, fascinating. You've done a superb job!
Just wanted to let you know, I'm still reading.
I'd love to work on putting together a Soapy Day here in Leadville sometime in the future. Just food for thought...
David Wright
Golden Burro Cafe & Lounge
Lake County Visitor Center
710 Harrison Ave. - Leadville, CO 80461

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