Author Joyce B. Lohse of Colorado sent me some photographs of Seventeenth and Market Street in Denver the other day. She has also offered to keep an eye out for the Soapy bust reported here on April 28, 2010. Recently she had these very kind words to say about my book.

I've enjoyed learning more about Soapy Smith. I did not read the book from front cover to back, but I continue to enjoy it as I read and study sections, and fill in gaps about different stages and episodes. Now that I have some knowledge, I will be well aware if I stumble across him on the backroads of my history research and journeys. Your work on the subject has been monumental. I hope it has and continues to bring you great satisfaction. I think your treatment of the subject has been as fair and objective as it can be.
The only way I can think to increase your credibility among nay-sayers would be to write more about specific episodes, and other characters encountered, with Soapy in the background. For instance, I was fascinated by the additional material you found regarding the Creede Uprising, and your treatment of it. I've since found some of the RMN articles, and plan to look for more as time allows. Also, it appears that the buildup to the shootout in Skagway could fill a book by itself. I heard offline from an elderly lady in Canada who had lived and worked in Skagway, who had visited the graves and was interested in that aspect of the story. Sounds like a wild time and a great topic.

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