November 9, 2009

Jeff Morey, Jefferson Smith and Dad

(Click image to enlarge)
Jefferson Randolph Smith & "Dad"

The above photograph was taken over the weekend at the Harvest Fair in San Bernardino, California. That's the great-great-grandson, Jefferson Randolph Smith on the left and "Dad" on the right. We were planning on being there maybe two hours, but that quickly flew by seven hours later.

Well known Tombstone, Arizona historian Jeff Morey purchased and received my book, of which he said.


You book arrived today and I am most impressed! It is wonderfully presented and a really significant contribution to the field. You have every right to feel proud my friend.

Many Thanks!
Jeff (Morey-that-is)



  1. Great Photo, very cute!
    I am interested in seeing what Jeff (Morey that is) thinks about the book. Please keep us informed.

  2. Leah, I assume you mean "cute" in a manly sort of way!? LOL.

    I too hope Jeff Morey will honor us with more of his thoughts about the book after he finishes it.


Thank you for leaving your comment and/or question on my blog. I always read, and will answer all questions asap. Please know that they are greatly appreciated. -Jeff Smith