(Click image to enlarge)
Family member, Sarah Moriarty sent in two photographs yesterday, the above being of great importance. Note that the cabinet card reads "J. Collier, 1643 Larimer Street Denver Colo" James was born November 27, 1889 but what is not known is where he was born, Denver or St. Louis. At the end of July 1889 just before attacking Col. John Arkins he placed his wife and children (Jefferson and Mary Eva II) aboard a train to be with her mother. It is very possible that Mary came home to Denver to have James, or at least visited Denver several months after James' birth, and had his photograph taken.
Sarah writes,
Hi Jeff,
I emailed you a while back about Soapy Smith. I've been getting really interested in heritage lately and my aunt just showed me tons of pictures. I picked out a couple that I thought you might want?? You probably have most or all of them since they look like copies to me. Hopefully they'll be new to you. This one is of Joe Smith. On the back it says Little Jim Smith and on the front it says Uncle Joe Smith. ...
... I can send you more if you want, they're mostly of Jefferson Smith and his family, that's why I thought you'd be interested.
Thank you Sarah. Now this is what I hoped for, sharing and family interaction. Sarah, thank you very much for the wonderful photographs. By all means please send what you have. Although based around Soapy Smith, this site covers the entire family history. The more the family can get together and share our individual knowledge the better we will fully understand our history, not to mention help others identify if they are related to us and share out history.
More pertaining to James Luther Smith can be seen at the following date links:
May 8, 2010, May 15, 2010.