Below are some of the comments from people who purchased Alias Soapy Smith. Thank you all for the kind words!
As a proud owner of this book, I'm offering my enthusiastic endorsement. The photos alone are worth the price, but what really impressed me was the extensive research that is so apparent in your writing. The detailed narrative is complemented by your personal relationship with Soapy and the people whose stories contributed to this book. If you're a fan of Soapy Smith, you really need to get a copy of this book. —John Tonsick
Jeff Smith's book is a serious and significant contribution to Old West history. Agree or disagree with his conclusions, he deserves major credit for his dedicated efforts. Any future work on Soapy Smith will need to take Jeff's work into serious consideration. That's the most any historian can ever hope for.
—Jeff Morey
I just wanted to thank you for the Soapy Smith book. It arrived the other week and I have been enjoying reading it. It certainly contains a huge amount of information...he and I don't see eye to eye very often and we have clashed in the past on some internet discussion boards.
I have to say though, he has produced an important book, not only for the general reader, but also for fellow researchers alike. This book provides a wonderful insight into the 19th century world of gamblers and confidence men.
—Peter Brand
(response to Peter Brand from publisher Art Petersen)
Hi, Peter.
It's a sign of a generous spirit to allow words of praise of yours to be published about the work of one with whom you have "clashed." In my view, it lends them high credibility.
Thank you. ... I hope the biography continues to find favor with you.
—Art Petersen
I received my book last night I didn’t get to open it up until this morning I opened it up and started reading! Let me tell you I was late to work for the first time in 14yrs. I just could not put it down I had to force it out of my hands. I just wish it would have came out about 1 yrs earlier my father would have really enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait to get home and start up again and Now I am dying to get home and pull my soapy stuff out of the attic and rummage through it.
—Jay Hartzell
Alias Soapy Smith by Jeff Smith is a massive biography of a notorious outlaw of Denver, Colorado, and Skagway, Alaska. The author’s zeal is explicable; Jefferson “Soapy” Smith was his great-grandpa. But Soapy was a pretty small-caliber outlaw compared to, say, Billy the Kid; much more of a gambler-turned-con-man than a murderous thug. His grandson does not whitewash him in this well-rounded character study.
—Richard H. Dillon, True West magazine (May 2010)
Very nice write-up by Chuck (Parsons)... and great reviews too on your web site. And 600+ pages! WOW! That's a lot and especially considering the work u had to do to find all that data and pics! Most admirable.
—Gary Ledoux, author.
You've obviously provided a splendid piece of work, which will go a long way toward preserving your great-grandfathers story and memory. I applaud your work.
—Joyce B. Lohse, author.
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Thank you for leaving your comment and/or question on my blog. I always read, and will answer all questions asap. Please know that they are greatly appreciated. -Jeff Smith